
ALVER, 1800 - the world was hit by a huge rock from space, obliterating much and changing everything. Gone was the steady progress and well-solidified national borders, and gone was the safe understanding we knew everything about our planet, burned and buried. Now, over a hundred years later, the few scattered STEEL CITIES are the world powers, each controlling vast swathes of the wildlands, populated by cowboys, small towns, and bandits. The Steel City of GREENFIELD, however, prefers to ignore the outside world in favour of focusing on research and technology; eschewing traditional power politics, they influence the world by controlling who has access to their advanced technologies. Jealous of this power Greenfield holds over them, the other cities routinely dispatch spies to Greenfield.

Recently, through scattered clues and hearsay, the leaders of the world's Steel Cities have been convinced Greenfield scientists are close to making a profound breakthrough in the production of the rarest and most powerful medicines available on Alver! New Lange - the current leader in medical technology on Alver - and Vulcania - a large buyer of medicine - both desperately desire to find out the secret behind this new technology, and then to safeguard their own interests:

either steal the new secret technology - or destroy it!

Choose your homecity!

New Lange

New Lange is a stuggling democratic city wth a strong medical sector. You can read more here.

Greenfield and New Lange have an agreement where they cooperate to produce advanced medicine, which is profitable for New Lange.

New Lange fears the new research will allow Greenfield to cut New Lange out of their deal, and so they want it sabotaged or destroyed!

It is vitally important that the New Lange agents aren't identified as it would give Greenfield the chance to extort New Lange!

New Lange agents are from the medical sector and thus can bluff their way through technical talk and act like scientists convincingly

They have the most context of what's going on, and contacts in various labs and businesses

New Lange however is poor, and the agents will only be provided with a basic kit containing:

  • Neat clothes
  • $20
  • Vanity items (soap, scissors, razor, mirror)
  • Writing pad and pen


Vulcania is a small military dictatorship with the largest and most powerful army on Alver. You can read more here.

They are a large user of advanced medicines, and they desire the ability to produce these on their own without having to involve Greenfield or New Lange.

Relations are friendly between Greenfield and Vulcania - it is best they are not strained by the agents being uncovered

Vulcanians are not good at blending in to other cultures

Vulcanians have good eyesight in the dark

Vulcania can equip its agents with effective equipment:

  • Infiltration clothes (noise dampened, lightweight, black, blade resistant)
  • Customised clothes (extra pockets, noise dampened)
  • $50
  • Vanity items (soap, scissors, razor, mirror)
  • Writing pad and pen
  • Small camera
  • Silenced pistol

Choose your character!

Assassins Specialists Infiltrators






