Occult Practices



Recognition: CAUTION! extremely obscure knowledge

Accuracy: accurate but with major omissions

Stability: incomplete

Throughout the history of humanity, mystical knowledge and secret practices have been handed down by learnered societies and through secret cabals. These practices are collectivly referred to as Occult, and open the doors to powers and worlds undreamed of to most people. The oldest traditions of occult knowledge trace their secrets back to Hajiptic Abzukog wizards, but most Alchemical knowledge is said to have come from the later Nalohmi.

“Suppose that an electrician of to-day were suddenly to perceive that he and his friends have merely been playing with pebbles and mistaking them for the foundations of the world; suppose that such a man saw uttermost space lie open before the current, and words of men flash forth to the sun and beyond the sun into the systems beyond, and the voices of articulate-speaking men echo in the waste void that bounds our thought.” - A. Machen

Occult knowledge has been traditionally viewed with suspicion, fear and revulsion, and so occult practitioners and researchers have remained suppressed and underground throughout history. This bias continues now after the Cataclysm, with only Vulcania openly supporting them. Occult practitioners collect ancient forbidden tomes and grimoires, spending a lot of their time acting like historians or antiquarians. Actual occult rituals and alchemistry is practised by even fewer and involves finding obscure ingredients and travelling to remote places.

The core power of occult practises is in manipulating Plasm. For example, Plasm can be used to enact things by applying a powerful "will" to it: the more concentrated Plasm is the more it can do. In addition, Plasm contains the memories and feelings of those it belonged to, and these can be read or accessed by a practitioner. Plasm could theoretically be stored for thousands of years, and read just as easily as fresh Plasm.

The most important text in all the mystic arts is the Ruby Tablet, an ancient inscription said to have come from Salver, carved on a giant slice of Ruby that was found in an already ancient tomb by ancient Hajiptic magicians. The original is lost, and speculation on missing parts excised by those magicians in their transcriptions that have survived drives mystics to search for it, even today.

Occult alchemy

Occult alchemy is the act of manipulating Plasm and the elements through chemical activity. Most of these recipes are ancient, having been passed on by alchemists to alchemists over the centuries, and having survived the Cataclysm. Alchemical laboratories can be found in Vulcania's Roque Sepulchery, where some of these can be bought over the counter.

The deeper mysteries of Alchemy are much more obscure, and the more powerful and complex recipies and powers are little known or understood.

Alchemical Fonts

Alchemists create strange stationary artefacts called Fonts that may take decades or even centuries to mature, which then produce powerful ingredients or have useful powers. In general, the older the Font is, the more pure, voluminous, and powerful the output. Some ancient Fonts are rumoured to have survived the Cataclysm in remote and secure places, and Alchemists seek them out for their wonderous powers.

Alchemical mixtures


“It was, indeed, an exquisite symbol beneath which men long ago veiled their knowledge of the most awful, most secret forces which lie at the heart of all things; forces before which the souls of men must wither and die and blacken, as their bodies blacken under the electric current.” - A. Machen

Occult rituals are procedures for manipulating a body or mind through plasm that typically require some alchemical ingredient or period of concentration or calculation.


Occult abilities are ways in which a practitioner can gain insights hidden to most by their understanding of Plasm. They are different from rituals in that they do not require materials or preparation.

See also