


Recognition: Basic medicine is common knowledge

Accuracy: Accurate with minor omissions

Stability: Subject to revision

Advanced medicine and drugs are one of the main fantasy technologies in the setting. For gameplay purposes, these medicines have almost magical effects.

Most of the unique medicines are enabled by the importation of rare and strange materials from Salver. As such, the Salver colonies are vital for life on Alver.


If someone is injured on Alver there are many medicines available to help that person out. The best thing to do would be to get them to a doctor, and the best doctors are at the Bosbel Hospital in New Lange, though any Steel City will have doctors available.

Liver Salts

Liver salts are a cheap, ubiquitous cure-all medicine powder for internal illness made from dehydrated Skywhale liver bile. The salts are typically sold and stored in a small hessian pouch with a red tie.

Skywhale ointment

The compliment to Liver Salts, Skywhale ointment is a cheap cure-all lotion for external injury made from the residue from sky whale oil distillation. It is very common and has useful generic healing effects effects such as faster wound closing and infection resistance. It is also a useful industrial lubricant. It is typically sold and stored in bright red glass jars.

Silver bandages

Silver aids in stopping infection in wounds when woven into bandages. These are expensive but effective.

Liquid Doctor

The Liquid Doctor is an expensive and rare medicine made from highly refined whale oil distillate that acts as an extremely powerful stimulant for miraculous near-instant healing. It is made along with Nepenthe in a secretive and complex production chain that has stages in both Greenfield and New Lange. A single shot of Liquid Doctor costs roughly $8,000 - enough to buy a small airship.

The Green Elixir

An alchemical concoction of dubious reputation alleged to have similar effects to the Liquid Doctor. Rumoured to be made by occult alchemists in small batches.


Salver Tulip

The Salver tulip is a flower native to Salver that secretes a thick sap used to produce more refined drugs. By itself the sap is a mild painkiller that can numb the skin on exposure. The seeds of the tulip are also harvested to produce even more powerful drugs, such as Methine. By themselves, the seeds cause hallucinations if ingested.

Salver Tabacco

The Salver Tabacco plant is a tall dry plant native to the small deserts of Salver. It was brought back to Alver in the mid 1700s and has been cultivated both on Salver and Alver ever since. The finest quality Tabacco still comes from its native Salver deserts. The Tabacco plant's leaves are dried and packed, and then smoked. This calms the nerves and reduces the appetite of those who smoke it, but also stains the hands and damages the lungs and throat, and is addictive. Tabacco is the most common addiction, and is especially popular in Beacon, Modopolis, and Saxa. Pipes are the most common method for smoking. Cigars are popular on Salver, and cigarettes are gaining traction in Modopolis and among travellers.


A powerful concentrated painkiller and stimulant made from Salver Tulip seeds. It removes pain and exhaustion, causes excitement, damages the nerves, damages the heart, and causes hallucinations.


A more refined and safer version of Methine. It has similar effects, but also reduces effects of exposure or injury temporarily. It is used to treat altitude sickness and frostbite.


A relaxant and painkiller made from refined Salver Tulip sap that removes pain and inhibitions, relaxes muscles, weakens the whole body, and stains the lips yellow.


Nepenthe is a powerful mental reorganiser, used to treat mental illness, improve cognition, remove fear, anxiety, etc. High doses of the drug can cause brainwashing or amnesia. It is made in small batches with a long and complex production chain like that of the Liquid Doctor - involving both Greenfield and New Lange. Vulcania buys a lot of this drug and issues emergency tables containing it to their soldiers.


Also known as "sal", this psychoactive substance is derived from the Salroot plant from Alver. Ancient people used to chew the root or smoke the leaves to achieve its effects, but modern usage is often with distilled oil drinks. It causes a state of lethargy with improved memory recollection and sensory heightening to the point where loud noises or bright lights are painful. It is sold and consumed in 'dens' that feature noise insulation and low lighting.

See also