


Recognition: Common knowledge

Accuracy: Accurate

Stability: Subject to revision

While most companies on Alver are local to the city or town they operate in, a few companies have managed to become important on a global scale.

The Modopolis Corporation

See: Modopolis Corporation

Rolston Engineering

The largest company on Alver, Rolston Engineering is an engineering company not tied to any particular city but headquartered in Modopolis and with major branches in Vulcania and Beacon.

Rolston Engineering handles large scale projects for big clients, such as civil engineering or heavy machinery production. They employ hundreds of engineers and thousands of technicians across dozens of offices, foundries, and workshops, and are a key driver of technological spread across Alver.

The largest project they have completed was the construction of Modopolis's new Space Gun, which they built using Modopolis money and labour and with Greenfield designs.

Sunflower Corporation

A food industry company that runs numerous small farming towns outside Modopolis.


A Modopolis based engineering and logistics company.

See also